Development of employer brand image

Employer Branding

Employer branding is part of reputation management which is intended to develop company’s brand image as an employer.

This service is aimed at forming the right perception of your company among your target audience within candidates and employees.

Employer branding solutions are used to build a strong brand image that contributes to a successful long-term talent attraction, management and retention strategy.  

Advantages of Employer Branding:

  • Less time needed to hire
  • Increase of brand awareness and visibility
  • Recruitment of candidates with better competences
  • Positive changes of public opinion
  • Increase of employee engagement and motivation
  • Reduced recruitment costs in the long term

Employer Branding services include:

Employer brand audit process

To understand the value of your company for potential and real employees, we need to make an objective picture of employer brand position in the market.

To do this, we analyze:
  • target audience
  • competitors
  • communication channels

Development of Employee value proposition (EVP)

Company's EVP is a set of benefits, financial and non-financial, that a company offers to employees.

What we do to improve the employee value proposition of a client:
  • do research of internal and external target audience
  • identify important insights, drivers and barriers
  • create a brand portrait for each segment of target audience
  • check the EVP attributes by segment and adapt them
  • update or develop a creative concept of the employer brand when EVP is ready and prepare guidelines
  • come up with activations to implement EVP in the company and external communications
It is crucial to craft a clear EVP that demonstrates what advantages your organization has and which individual and career opportunities you offer.

Communication strategy development

In order to properly convey the EVP and brand image in general, you need to create a communication strategy and run promotional activity through different channels.

What we do:
  • define the position of the brand
  • decide how we want to adjust it
  • build a system of effective communication channels for interaction with target audience
  • develop and implement the media strategy

We formulate principles according to which your company will interact with media, form a strategy of promotion, select platforms, determine the volume and frequency of publishing of materials.

Communications on behalf of the employer brand

After developing of a communication strategy, ANCOR can hold communications on behalf of the employer brand.

What services we offer:
  • Promo and PR: set up advertising, cooperate with universities, mass media and partners, offline marketing.
  • SMM: create concepts of community management in social media, maintain social media accounts, develop and post content, interact with subscribers.
  • Event marketing: organize and hold conferences, exhibitions, forums, corporate events, take care of moderation, administrative and technical support.
  • Production: adapt corporate identity to the needs of HR branding, create websites, landing pages, videos, printing and souvenir products.


Internship organization service is recruitment of college graduates and undergraduates for companies' internship programs using online and offline tools.

ANCOR team is proficient in technologies aimed at developing the employer brand and keeps in touch with leading universities in every region of Russia.

What we do in organizing internships:
  • develop creative concepts
  • create landing pages with internship program positions for alumni and students
  • conduct a promotional campaign to attract talents
  • networking with universities across regions
  • assessment of students
Our deep expertise in recruitment and the ability to cooperate with professionals from different fields allow us to find the most promising interns for student placements.

We offer remote internships as well.

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Other services
Personnel search and selection quality improvement involves implementing various measures to effectively manage the recruitment process within a company.
Employee assessment is a performance appraisal or review used to evaluate employees' performance and productivity.
Career development assistance for management and non-management employees who are dismissed or redundant
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