How to Motivate Staff in Turbulent Times?

Of course, the practice of HR management makes extensive usage of psychological approaches. For instance, in times of turbulence the work with the effectiveness of teams is highly useful. This approach is based on research by the renowned British management consultant Raymond Meredith Belbin.
The bottom line is that by using various tools to assess one's personality traits, it is possible to determine their potential to play a certain role in a team. This scientific approach is perfectly adapted to the needs of business. It is actively used by managers in crisis situations that require certain optimizations in the company and among employees. Managers form teams in accordance with these roles and can then easily assess staff performance: which role is missing, where and which player needs to be added in order for the team to work more productively and cohesively.
Employee testing is another effective tool to assess what is important to staff. For example, the ANCOR staff motivation test can help to understand the factors that have the greatest impact on staff performance. Online testing is gradually becoming the 'gold standard' for such tasks.Another approach in HR practice is based on the psychological premise that people have a natural need for a 'mirror'. This is necessary in order to assess yourself from the outside, to better understand own strengths and weaknesses. HR professionals have adopted this practice and begun to actively use it in managing and motivating employees especially in times of crisis.
In this case we are talking about performance review. These are regular meetings with the manager, feedback on performance, on competencies, on interaction. They contribute to staff development, help employees become aware of their relevance in the company and the opportunities for further development.
Employees are intimidated by the unknown and uncertainty. The main thing in this case is not to remain silent and to be open to dialogue.
Yulia Podoksenova, Director of ANCOR Consulting