Business Plans of Companies in Russia

- Most companies (89%) continue to operate in Russia. 8% are changing their legal status and plan to continue the business. Only 3% of respondents completely suspended their operations in the Russian Federation.
- Half of the survey participants (50%) assess the current situation more as a threat. A quarter of respondents (23%) showed a positive attitude towards the situation, seeing it as an opportunity for business development. The rest (27%) find it difficult to make an unambiguous assessment.
- Most of the companies "froze" the search and selection of personnel (52%). Only replacements are made in 22% of companies, the previous plans to attract new employees retain 20%. 3% find it difficult to answer, and only 2% increase hiring.
- An interesting trend - more than 1/5 of employers (21%) plan to attract temporary staff to solve current problems.
Learn more about the results of the study in the report.