Anti-Bribery Clause

ANCOR publicly declares its disregard to corruption in any of its forms and manifestations that means an absolute prohibition for managers, employees, as well as for other persons acting on behalf of the Company and/or in its interests, directly or indirectly, personally or through third parts to participate in corrupt practices.
Corruption is an abuse of official position, giving and accepting of bribes, abuse of power, commercial bribery or other illegal use by an individual (official) person of official position in violation of the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or monetized services, other property rights for oneself or third parties, or illegal provision of benefits to the specified person by other individuals. Corruption is also a wrongdoing mentioned above on behalf of and/or in the interests of the Company.
ANCOR takes all necessary measures aimed at prevention and preclusion of corruption.
The Company’s management is interested in timely receiving of information on impending or existing facts of corruption, as well as on the facts of appealing to the employees of the Company by any persons to incline them to commit corruption offenses in order to prevent them.