Consent to the dissemination
of personal data

In accordance with requirements of the Federal Law on Personal Data No. 152-FZ of 07/27/2006, the Author of the review gives consent to JSC ANCOR (registered address: 109316, city of Moscow, 5/12, Ostapovsky proezd, floor 2, office 200) (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator"), to dissemination of his/her personal data for the purpose of posting a review of the work of the ANCOR Group of companies on the website:
For the above purpose, the Author of the review agrees to the distribution of the following personal data: surname, forename, patronymic, photo, place of employment, position held.
This consent is issued for the duration of the operation of the above-mentioned website and may also be revoked upon request of the review Author.
The declaration for withdrawal of the consent must contain the full name of the review Author, the Author's email address and mobile phone number.
The declaration for withdrawal of the consent in writing (in hard copy) may be submitted (written) at any office of the Company or may be sent to the Company office by mail.
The declaration for withdrawal of the consent in electronic form can be sent by e-mail to the address:
In case of withdrawal of the consent, the Operator is obligated to stop processing and destroy personal data within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of receipt of the aforesaid declaration.